About Shaggydoodle
Welcome to the Shaggy Doodle
Shaggy Doodle is located in Oshawa, Canada. We strive to have 4 litters a year but it is dependant on the health of our dogs as well as out available time. I am the primary caregiver of my pups, and my sons aged 12 and 15, my husband, my daycare children, as well as many of my past puppy buyers who simply love pups and live locally, give me a hand in the caring and socializing of my pups. My pups are raised in my home in different spots, I have a beautiful sun filled room where they spend the fist 4 weeks of their life sequestered, no one is allowed in but me. I feel that I am slightly mental on this issue but they are my babies, and when one dies as occasionally one does, I cry for days and become very depressed. So, to avoid as much as possible anything going wrong, high sterilization procedures are in place and I am very strict about outside contact. At the age of 4 weeks I regain my sanity and am confident that they are healthy and strong and begin the socialization process. I have a home daycare with great kids who live for the times when I have puppies, it brings such joy to their lives and the handling of the pups ensures that when they come to you they are not timid nor fearful, two traits that I fear most in a dog. They are also handled by myself because I take turns and continually snuggle them for hours every night while watching repeats of Dragons Den over and over because I am addicted to that show. Believe me my pups will like watching tv with you. When they are 6 weeks old and vaccinated, they get to play outside weather permitting. Again caution is necessary, there are many microbes and parasites present in dirty or old stale water, never a good idea for to much outside play until they are fully vaccinated at 3 mos. I am a pet stylist, it is my passion and will soon open a small pet salon. I derive a great deal of pleasure grooming my now fully grown sheepadoodles. I get to assess temperment as well as conformation and colour, up close and personal and I also really love it when I see how much the owner loves my baby.
Breeding practice
Clean clean and clean. Since many handle my pups and I love to cuddle them at night, it is essential to me that they are not covered in poop. Pups as a general rule will poop once every hour on the hour and I am not kidding. So I change their paper always, and I bath them alot with wet wipes unless they are to stinky and then they get a real bath. I begin grooming them at an early age which they hate but they must get used to it. I keep their nails trimmed and their butts shaved, so no poop gets caught in hair there. Now there are 3 types of breeders, smaller in home types like me, who raise their pups predominantly in their own house. There are professional large scale kennels, very clean very good conditions pups out in professional kennels or buildings, staff on hand. These two options are normally a good one for purchasing a pup provided you see the home in which the breeder is in and what are the conditions. I always invite potential buyers into my home I have nothing to hide, unfortunately if you do not live locally that may not be an option. Then there is the third place, a potential puppy mill. The average puppy mill may present itself to you as out in the country, you will arrive and there will be a million dogs running around, lots of dogs and puppies in a barn lots of cages, be very careful of this set up. These breeders do not care about the pups or the adults, they have no love for their dogs. They keep their dogs stuffed in cages with matted coats and diseased skin, and likewise the pups. The pups get no human attention nor do they get proper socialization. Like a human child a puppy who never sees or cuddles or is handled by a human, will grow shy and timid and fearful, a recipie for an agression problem.
Why do I breed?
Well, I have always, my whole life been obsessed with dogs but especially puppies. I dont know why when I see a puppy it pulls on my heartstrings as nothing else in the world could. I never had the oppurtunity to become a breeder because I was never home as I worked and commuted long days for 20 years as a dental assistant. One day I just got sick of the rat race and threw in the towel, started a home daycare and became a pet stylist and finally, now, had the time at home to develop a breeding program.